Featured Weaver



Featured Master Weaver + Workshop Facilitator  + Proud Owner of Pacha Mama’s “International Indigenous”  store

Interview with Cesar Jerez:

About Workshop Series:  “I am excited to share my craft and skill on the loom in the community of Woodstock   at Pacha Mama shop for classes and workshops.  It is my honor and joy to bring my experience of weaving to the public as it is an art form that I hope to be enjoyed by all ages and peoples”.

Custom Orders: “I enjoy my craft and working with others to create personalized woven works for clients. For a free consultation and more inquiries please contact Pacha Mama” 

Artist Statement: “For me these tapestries are an expression of the beauty in this universe expressed in color. When I weave a tapestry I see an infinite world that speaks of thousands of stories and legends that the soul paints.”

About you as an Artist: “I started as a child weaving and my parents taught me. This information and knowledge has been past from multiple generations before me. In my family and culture weaving was like making food you just did it. However, I felt my parents laid a foundation for me by sharing their traditions of which I am very grateful for.”

Heritage & Art: “I was born in a small town called Salasaka it reminds me of the Catskills as nature and art highly revered. The peoples of my village in southern Ecuador maintain their cultural identity, such as Kichwa ideology, clothing, art, religion and ancestral ceremonies.

My town is best known in the weaving arts and the elaboration of the tapestry, a special characteristic that differentiates them from the other indigenous populations.  There are several types of techniques including weaving on  looms and other traditional ways.

The weaved fabric is an ancestral art of the people that has been in existence since the Inkas era and has been transmitted from generation to generation of which I am proud to apart of this ancestry”.

Artistic Goals: As a Kichwa Salasaka, my goal is to make known and share my ancestral roots, the art of weaving, the Kichwa language and teach my native weaving techniques”.


“Woven works of Art”  by Cezar Jerez   available for sale + custom orders

woven artwork copyright Cezar Jerez